Three strokes to extend tomato results

After harvesting the first generation of tomatoes, the following three methods can be taken to make the tomatoes bloom again and improve economic efficiency.

1. After the first-generation tomatoes are ripened and harvested, the pressure-seed method cuts off the yellow branches of the leaves and leaves a new branch with the ability to flourish. A ditches with a length of 20 cm and a depth of about 15 cm are drilled on the side of the main trunk. The main trunk is buried in the ditch, and then watered so that the roots of the crushing roots can be quickly rooted. Such new roots and old roots jointly absorb water and fertilizer, and the plant type grows rapidly and results in flowering again.

2. Cut the first generation of tomatoes After the harvest, remove the dead old branches and leaves, and then split the roots to fertilize and water, promote new shoots, grow quickly, and re-flower.

3. Transplanting method The roots of the tomatoes are prone to secondary roots, and they produce more tillers when they are close to the ground. These branching twigs have a rapid growth after transplanting. Generally, the results can be obtained within 7 to 10 days. If the ground is dry, it can be watered around the trunk to promote secondary tillers. When there is a small amount of white spots at the root of the litchi seedlings, they can be transplanted to survive, and the results can be quickly flowered.

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