Guangzhou's first application of metal 3D printing technology to treat patients with fractures
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Southern Medical University announced today that it has succeeded in the application of metal 3D printing technology to implant bone plates to treat fractures. It is reported that this technology is independently researched and developed by the institute. At present, there are only two successful cases in the world, all from the hospital. One of the cases was a 51-year-old female patient who fell from the fourth floor with a complex fracture of the left pelvis and acetabulum. Due to the complicated structure of the injured part, adjacent blood vessels, nerves and important organs have higher mortality and disability, and the operation risk is high and the difficulty is high. Professor Fan Shicai, the director of the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, led the team to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of patients, using digital orthopedics technology, using 3D printing technology to perform the operation, 3D printed bone plate was completed within 12 hours. The patient was able to sit for 5 days after surgery, and the wound was removed and discharged 10 days later. This technology enables accurate and minimally invasive surgery for pelvic and acetabular fractures. According to Professor Jin Dadi, director of the Department of Orthopaedic Medicine, the comminuted fractures have been incision in the past, and there is an incision in front of and behind the pelvis, totaling 20 cm or even 30 cm. The meat around the pelvis must be removed during surgery. Production is difficult to adapt to the complex and diverse conditions of different patients. In addition to personalization, the application of 3D technology shortened the operation time from 5 hours to 3 hours, the blood loss from 1000 ml to 300 ml, and the number of steel plates decreased from 4 to 5 pieces, and the complications were obvious. cut back. It is understood that the hospital began to apply 3D printing technology to orthopedic clinics in 2010. In 2014, 3D printed full-simulation "fracture acetabulum" and "femoral prosthesis" were performed, and the surgical rehearsal was completed in vitro. At the beginning of 2016, a metal 3D printed pelvis and an acetabular internal plate were implanted into the human body and entered the clinical observation stage. Customized Medical Packaging Blister
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