Artificial breeding of scorpion

The scorpion is the arthropod gatekeeper of the family East Asia, which is also known as the whole worm and the equinus. It is mainly distributed in the area north of the Yangtze River. With the improvement of the people’s living standards, the demand for the whole quail is increasing and the breeding prospects are promising.

From mid-March to early April, select male and female species with bright colors, liveliness, and retro-bellied curvature and no abnormal performance. The mandible requires thick hindbraces and hypertrophy of the angle clamp. Under normal circumstances, a greenhouse of 6 square meters can be put into 2000 species. When the quail breeds, it breeds 20-40 Tadpoles per fetus, and if it is calculated according to 20 Baboons for each female, it is 40,000. Under constant temperature conditions, the mother cubs were born 2 times a year, and the baboons grew into the same year. The newborn cubs climbed on their mother's back after they were born, and they left their mother's backs 12 days later to feed on their own. It was observed that on the 1st, 2nd, 6th, and 11th days after leaving the mother's back, a small worm of about 10 milligrams was eaten every day, and then every 1 day after 10 months, that is, eaten for 1 month. 6 insects, weighing about 60 mg. Afterwards, with the decrease in temperature, the amount of food consumed has decreased significantly. Aberdeen's food-giving period is within one month after leaving the mother's back. During this period, sufficient food must be provided with the number of taro and its food intake. Otherwise, it will cause death. Female quail died during the breeding period. After giving birth, 100 milligrams of worms can be eaten once, and after 2 to 3 days of continuous feeding, the worms are filled in the abdomen. After 10 days, they gradually digest, eat 1 worm, and then eat 1 bird in 20 days. By the end of October, 6 worms have been fed into hibernation. If cultured at natural temperature, the female quail usually reproduces once a year, and the larvae grow into three years.

Reflective Tape

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