Nature: Bacteria become anti-cancer "undercover"

Release date: 2016-07-22

A recent paper published online in the journal Nature found that in cancer mouse models, engineered bacteria release anticancer drugs in a synchronized cycle. This system also controls the amount of bacteria by periodic lysis (ie, cell disassembly).

There is a growing interest in transforming bacteria into living therapeutics, but the host response and the long-term effectiveness of this system remain to be assessed.

Jeff Hasty of the University of California, San Diego, and colleagues used synthetic biology methods to transform gene loops—a group of genes that affect each other's expression. Their engineered genetic loop controls the drug release of a tumor-targeting Salmonella. In this loop, periodically synchronized cell lysis maximizes drug delivery efficiency.

First, the authors tracked the bacterial population dynamics of mouse colorectal tumors. They then gave the colorectal cancer mouse model oral strains, some of which were taken alone and others taken with clinical chemotherapy drugs. The researchers found that the combination of loop-engineered bacteria and chemotherapy reduced cancer cell activity, and mice that used combination therapy survived longer than mice that used only one of them.

The authors point out that their approach may help people use synthetic biology tools to take advantage of the tendency of some bacteria to grow in areas affected by disease. However, further research is needed before bacteria can be used as effective anticancer therapies. In the news and commentary article corresponding to this article, Zhou Shibin, a medical school at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, commented: "Although the above characteristics exist, bacteria alone (whether or not modified) is unlikely in itself. Clear the tumor."

Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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