In order to delay aging, our brains can be described as organs
Release date: 2016-09-21 Aging is part of life that cannot be avoided, but our brains have learned some useful tricks to slow down aging as much as possible. A recent study by Ruhr University (RUB) in Bochum, Germany, found this phenomenon. As we age, our psychological classification of information will change, or older people will compensate for the decline in cognitive response by focusing more. The research team from RUB said: "The results of the study indicate that the elderly compensate for cognitive decline by improving perception and attention processing of stimuli." This research was recently published in Neuropsychologia. The researchers recruited 17 young people and 10 seniors as participants in the study. Participants need to complete the task of categorizing circles of different color combinations. Some of the color combinations are very similar, while others are completely different, and participants get timely feedback as the task progresses. Both young and old people have done a good job in the classification task of similar color combinations, but the elderly are more difficult to accomplish in the classification task of completely different color combinations. Sabrina Schenk, one of the research collaborators, said: “When classifying, we classify similar objects as a whole, so we need to learn some special cases and remember. Older people find it difficult to switch between strategies. †When the participants completed the task, they had an eye tracker and an EEG to measure their brain waves. According to the electrophysiological indicators, older participants used a special selective attention and paid more attention to the details so that the task performance could be close to the level of young people. Schenk said: "To some extent, the brain can reduce the negative effects of aging by increasing the level of attention." In other words, the brain may not be as capable as before, but the brain can find the target more efficiently. The next goal of the research team was to repeat the study in a larger sample to find the same results that would help older people train their attention. At the same time, don't worry too much about aging. If you don't feel anything, your brain is trying to deal with it. Source: Omelette Net Canned Green Beans,Green Beans,Green Beans Tin,Green Canned Beans ZHANGZHOU TAN CO. LTD. ,