What foods should not be eaten before exercise
Many people like to eat chocolate to supplement their energy during sports or outdoor activities. Some tennis players also eat bananas during the game and some people who love sports also follow suit. However, experts pointed out that ordinary people should not eat bananas during exercise, and chocolate should not be eaten before or during exercise. Try to eat as little fat as possible before and during exercise. Chocolate, caffeine can act as the nerve center of the excitement, but smooth taste of chocolate, especially chocolate, are often high-fat, high-calorie sugary but few people eat the movement is not easy to consume, but likely to cause obesity. Bananas are considered by many to be sports foods, but not everyone is suitable for supplementing bananas during exercise. Although bananas are easy to digest, have a high sugar content and high potassium content, and they produce satiety during supplemental exercise for a long time, they are prone to bloating and cause discomfort during exercise. Therefore, if you feel unwell after eating bananas, it is best not to eat. In addition to chocolate and bananas, experts also recommend avoiding ice cream, nuts, butter, margarine, donuts, grilled meats, pizzas, smoked crude sausages, hamburgers, fried foods, fats, bacon before and during exercise. Wait for food. Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis (a virus transmitted tothose seen in the past in smallpox patients, typically-presents clinically with fever, rash and swollen lymphnodes and may lead to a range of medical complications.It is caused by the monkeypox virus which belongs totheorthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family.Thereare two clades of monkeypox virus:the West Africanclade and the Congo Basin (Central African) clade.Theoname monkeypoxoriginates from the initial discovery ofthe virus in monkeys in a Danish laboratory in 1958.Thefirst human case was identified in a child in the Demo-cratic Republic of the Congo in 1970. Monkey Pox Test Kit,In vitro diagnostic tests,Rapid detection of monkeypox Jiangsu iiLO Biotechnology Co., Ltd. , https://www.sjiilogene.com