The benefits of eating chili

Pepper is a popular vegetable, and it is also a must-have for many people to eat. However, when it comes to peppers, most people's reaction is to stimulate the stomach, resulting in getting angry, so that the face acne, etc. In fact, the right amount of pepper to eat the body has a certain therapeutic effect.


There are 10 benefits of eating chili

1. Appetizers and digestion. The spicy and spicy taste of chili peppers stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, increases appetite, promotes peristalsis, helps digestion, and inhibits abnormal fermentation in the intestines, eliminating the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract.

2. Lose weight. Research conducted by the German College of Nutritional Medicine and Nutrition shows that spicy seasonings such as hot peppers and bell peppers can effectively help people lose weight. Capsaicin in pepper can stimulate the body's heat system and speed up metabolism. The rapid heat generation system can improve the working efficiency of the body, such as fast-running machines can consume large amounts of hydrocarbon fuel.

3. Prevent heart disease. Pepper can promote blood circulation, increase blood vessel elasticity, reduce the chance of hardening of the blood vessels, and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Pepper is also rich in vitamin C, which has anti-oxidant effect and enhances body resistance while delaying aging.

4. Treatment of cold and cold. Cold and cold is characterized by stuffy nose, cold, and so on. The so-called "cold is the heat, the virtual is to make up," Deficiency people eat more spicy and warm food, help to promote blood circulation, help reduce the Deficiency symptom.

5. Prevention of gallstones. Green peppers are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which can convert excess cholesterol into bile acids and prevent gallstones.

6. Promote blood circulation. Pepper has a certain medicinal properties, so it can "in addition to the wind and sweat, phlegm, dehumidification." Interpretation with modern medicine is to promote blood circulation, improve cold, frostbite, vascular headache.

7. Pain relief effect. Pepper contains capsaicin, which can deplete the substance P in nerve cells earlier and make the transmission of pain information insensitive. The central nervous system will not send out pain messages and the relative pain will be reduced a lot. In recent years, European and American medical circles have used capsaicin to control headache, neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

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