Red Salvia Effect and Effect

Salvia miltiorrhiza, also known as red ginseng, purple Salvia, red root and so on. Dicotyledonous plants, dry roots and rhizomes. Mainly produced in Anhui, Henan, Shaanxi and other places. Efficacy: blood circulation, menstrual pain, cooling blood Xiao, pure heart Chufan, nourishing the nerves.

Indications: irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea after amenorrhea, dysentery accumulation, chest and abdomen tingling, enthusiasm pain, sore swelling, upset without sleep; hepatosplenomegaly, angina. For chest-rib pain, rheumatism, pain, agglomeration, sore swelling, falling servant pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, postpartum pain and so on. The treatment of chest and rib pain, atrophy of disease, and irregular menstruation, amenorrhea have good effect, often combined with Chuanxiong application. In the treatment of chest and abdominal pain is qi stagnation and blood stasis, often with Amomum, Sandalwood and other drugs with the use.

The role of the cardiovascular system

1 Cardiac muscle strengthens myocardial contractility and improves cardiac function without increasing myocardial oxygen consumption.

2 The role of blood vessels to expand the coronary artery, increase myocardial blood flow; expansion of peripheral blood vessels, increased blood flow; cerebral blood flow decreased.

3 Anti-thrombosis improves plasmin activity; prolongs the time of coagulation and clotting; inhibits platelet aggregation (increases platelet levels and inhibits TXA2 synthesis); and improves hemorheological properties (lower blood viscosity and shorter red blood cell electrophoresis time).

4 Improve Microcirculation

Promote tissue repair and regeneration

1. Promoting the repair and regeneration of tissues Salvia miltiorrhiza preparations: Necrotic myocardium cleared rapidly; fibroblast differentiation, collagen fiber formation is more obvious; granulation formation is more mature. Reduced local congestion, improved blood circulation, and reduced healing time.

2. Inhibition of hyperplasia has an inhibitory effect on hyperproliferative fibroblasts.

3. Liver protection improves liver microcirculation.

4. Antibacterial Salvia preparations contain cryptotanshinone and dihydrotanshinone, which have inhibitory effects on staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, and destructive bacilli in vitro.

Red Salvia Food Precautions Danshen can not be taken together with aspirin. Aspirin has the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation. It has been used as an essential drug for the treatment of patients with coronary heart disease. Small doses of aspirin may have a therapeutic effect, and large doses of aspirin may cause prolonged bleeding and even bleeding. Salvia also has the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation, anticoagulation, and reducing blood viscosity. Taking Salvia and aspirin together is not appropriate. This is equivalent to increasing the dose of aspirin and causing bleeding.

Weighing Equipment

Weighing Scale,Weighing Inidcator,Weighing Load Cell,Weighing Equipment,Electronic Scale,Weighing Controller

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