Why is the scroll refrigeration compressor reversed? What about reverse?
We know that the operation of the internal compression structure of the refrigeration compressor has a fixed direction. First of all, we must be clear: the occurrence of reversal must be unfavorable for the refrigeration compressor. The scroll refrigeration compressor can only be compressed in one direction of rotation. Single-phase compressors always start and run in the correct direction (except in the case of a momentary power failure). The direction of rotation of the three-phase compressor is determined by the phase sequence of the power supply, so the compressor has a 50% chance of "reversing". When installed in the field, it can be judged that the refrigeration compressor rotates in the correct direction according to the decrease of the suction pressure and the increase of the exhaust pressure. In addition, if the compressor is reversed, the compressor noise is abnormal and the operating current is significantly lower than normal operation. However, long-term reversal can damage the refrigeration compressor, and the equipment manufacturer can set the phase sequence protection module in the control loop to ensure that it does not operate in the case of incorrect phase sequence. In general, the scroll compressor only needs to change any of the three phases to operate normally. There is a situation that causes the refrigeration compressor to reverse, or "instantaneous power outage." A momentary power failure (less than 0.5 seconds of power outage) may result in a change in the direction of rotation of the single-phase compressor. After re-calling, the compressor will continue to run for a few minutes in the reverse direction until the compressor motor protector is activated. This has no effect on the compressor and the compressor will restart and operate in the correct direction after the motor protector is reset. It is recommended to use a relay that senses a momentary power failure. When a momentary power failure occurs, lock the compressor for two minutes before allowing the compressor to restart.
Metatron Hunter 4025
Metatron Hunter 4025,Metapathia Gr Hunter 4025,Metatron 4025 Nls,Metatron Gr Hunter 4025,Vector V16,Vector V19
The NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 machine is a bioresonance diagnostic and therapy device. It is based on the principles of quantum physics and uses the concept of resonance to assess the health status of an individual. The machine utilizes electromagnetic waves to scan the body and provide information about the functioning of various organs, tissues, and systems. It can detect imbalances, pathogens, and other factors that may contribute to health issues. The Metatron Hunter 4025 machine can also provide therapy by applying specific frequencies to restore balance and promote healing. It is used by some practitioners as a complementary tool for health assessment and treatment.
Metatron Hunter 4025,Metapathia Gr Hunter 4025,Metatron 4025 Nls,Metatron Gr Hunter 4025,Vector V16,Vector V19 Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.syztreatment.com
The Metapathia-GR Hunter software can operate only with the telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus "Metatron" and its subsequent modifications. The telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing device is compatible with the IBM-type PCs and intended for studying reaction of a biological object to different types of the informational impact. "Metatron" allows correlating the measurement process with the process affecting it and performs the following.