Application of insect condition report light in forecasting

Located in the southeast of Hubei Province, Daye City has a mild climate and abundant rainfall, which is suitable for the growth of a variety of crops. The main crops planted all year round include rice, wheat, canola, corn, and sweet potatoes. In recent years, with the adjustment of the crop industry structure, the crop layout has changed greatly. The planting area of ​​soybeans, sesame seeds, sorghum, melons, grapes, sugar cane, Chinese herbal medicines, vegetables and other crops has expanded rapidly; the cultivation of crops such as wheat and ramie has been carried out. The area is reduced; the planting area of ​​cotton and tea is basically stable. Due to changes in the variety and layout of crops, the diversity of pests has become more difficult, which has made it difficult to measure pests. In 2003, the “National Crop Disease and Pest Measurement Network Daye Regional Station” was officially launched. In order to improve the accuracy of the forecast, the Daye Regional Station purchased a Jiaduo insect test light from the Hubei Plant Protection Station in June. From July 17th, 2003 to turn off the lights on October 15th, the insects were 63d, and a total of 5 144 mites were found; 1 049 heads of rice stems; 2 197 heads of rice leaf roller; rice fly虱 5 760 heads; 1 670 heads of rice ridges. Through several months of application, we believe that the Jiaduo insect test light is indeed a good helper for the forecasting staff. However, there are also some problems. In order to better play the role of the pest test light in the measurement report, the application situation is summarized as follows: 1 The role of the good test light can reduce the labor intensity of the forecasting staff, improve the work efficiency and monitor the pests before. Using field investigations, one pest needs to systematically survey several fields, even more than 10 fields, and use bamboo poles to hunt

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