A good way to raise pigs without heating in winter - a fermented bed
In winter pigs, the temperature control in piggery has become the most concern for farmers. The climate in winter is characterized by cold weather, low temperatures, short nights, and insufficient sunshine hours. These unfavorable environmental conditions make it difficult for pigs to quickly grow fat. Pigs can be used in fermentation beds without adopting heat preservation measures. For example, after fermentation and decomposition of functional microbial strains in the Jinbao fermentation bed, the odor in the pig house disappears, the fly maggots stop breeding, and the bed of the pig house enters the state of natural reproduction. White mycelium can reach temperatures of 50-60°C or higher (surface temperature is controlled between 25-30°C). This temperature can just meet the animal's temperature requirements, and the nutrition provided by pig manure makes gold The beneficial functional bacteria of the baby continue to multiply and form high-protein mycelia. After being eaten by pigs, it not only facilitates digestion and improves immunity, but also improves the feed conversion rate, and the input-output ratio and feed-to-meat ratio are reduced, and the slaughter weight is the same. The finishing pigs can save 20-30% of feed and save 60% to 80% of artificial labor. The economic benefits and ecological benefits are very considerable. Small Scale Flour Milling Plant HEBEI PINGLE FLOUR MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD , https://www.plrollermill.com