Alkaloids in different parts of sconces have multiple medicinal activities

Alkaloids in different parts of sconces have multiple medicinal activities

September 4, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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The lampstand tree is a famous medicinal plant resource of Yunnan Yi people in China, and is also widely used in Southeast Asian countries. Long-term research by the team of the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed that the lamp leaf alkali is a medicinal ingredient for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Recently, they have made a series of progress in the series of phytochemical studies of the lamp tree resources.

According to researcher Luo Xiaodong, a research and development team of Yunnan's characteristic plant resources, the traditional medicinal uses vary from country to country, suggesting that there may be differences in the medicinal material bases of different regions and different plant parts. Based on the previous interpretation of the medicinal components of sylvestre sulphate in the treatment of respiratory diseases, the research team revealed the population and population of the sedum tree alkaloids in multiple habitats and populations. The genetic polymorphism and stability between the two showed that each sample had some common indole alkaloids, but there were also differences in species and content.

From the Pharmacological and pharmacological studies of the lamp leaf, the lamp leaf alkali is a group of medicinal ingredients for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Other parts of the sylvestris plant leaf are traditionally rarely used for the treatment of respiratory diseases. In addition to the amount of resources and the reasons for sustainable use, the research team revealed differences in the material basis of various parts of the plant and determined the difference in its pharmacological activities. Dr. Feng Tao and other found that there is a big difference between the indole alkaloids in the bark of the lampstand and the leaves, which also resulted in no significant cough and antiasthmatic activity in the bark of the lampstand, and even a non-alkaloid component was significantly different; Du Guoshun and others found that the main alkaloids in the roots of the lampstand were not in the leaves of the lampstand. In addition, the root contains a small amount of medicinal substances such as scutellaria and has a certain antitussive and anti-inflammatory activity.

At the same time, Dr. Wang et al. recently discovered two novel indole alkaloids from the fruit of the lampstand tree, which have good inhibitory activity against many glioma stem cells and are not toxic to normal human cells; these compounds can It inhibits the proliferation of glioma stem cells, induces the apoptosis of glioma stem cells by increasing the expression and cleavage of tumor necrosis factor, and significantly impairs the ability of tumor stem cell clone formation.

The above research results have been published in the international authoritative journal "Plant Medicine". (Zhao Hanbin)

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