Yu You Jushu dense planting garden crown control technology

Yoo jujube is an excellent traditional fresh jujube variety in Zhuolu County. Due to the rapid growth of the young tree species, it is easy to cause canopy closure and the fruit setting rate is low. Therefore, proper pruning of the close planting garden and proper control of the tree canopy are important technical links for improving the fruit setting rate of the young jujube tree. The specific measures are as follows:

First, reasonable pruning

1. Decrease height, mainly to reduce trunk height and tree height.

Drying: The seedlings planted in the year are set at 40 to 50 cm, and all secondary branches are cut off to force the top to branch. This will not only help the seedlings to prosper, but also facilitate the rapid formation of jujube trees to form a productive tree. The skeleton of the body lays the foundation for the dwarfing of the tree. For jujube trees that are taller than trees and should not be dried, in the year of planting, the trunk is pulled forward with a rope before the budding, forming a 45- to 50-degree angle with the ground, weakening the apical dominance of the trunk. After pulling the branches, select a suitable branch with a full body of buds every 40 centimeters on the back of the trunk, cut short piles, and cut a point 1 cm above the buds to promote germination of the main buds and form new ones. The jujube head increases the amount of foliage, and in the second year, the main branch of the pull-bend is straightened before sprouting to enhance the tree vigor. The jujube head that germinates on the main trunk is not sparse or not cut. It is only pulled into a horizontal shape with a rope to ease the growth and promote the result.

Controlling tree height: When the tree body grows to 2 to 2.5 meters, the top falls and the height of the tree is controlled to be less than 3 meters.

2. Summer trim.

Jujube topping: In June, the first branch of the jujube head left as a result of culture was left to pick up the heart after 5 to 7 secondary branches, and the second branch that appeared afterwards followed the growth and picked up the heart. Generally, the first to third branches of the base are left to pick up the heart from 6 to 7 knots, the fourth to fifth branches in the middle are left with 2 to 3 knots, and the sixth to seventh upper branches are left to pick up the hearts from 2 to 3 knots. Narrow wide cone below.

Jujube softening: on the new dates, when the skin color becomes red, the base of the jujube branches 10 to 20 cm pressure, so that the bending part of the sound, skin cracks. Jujube softening can be combined with topping, which can open the angle and increase the yield.

Twisting and breaking branches: This is the control of the crown and fruit keeping measures to promote and maintain the balance of tree growth. Twisting tips are generally performed when the shoots turn from green to white (half lignification). Branching branches occur when the branches turn red from white (semi-mature aging). The treatment site is based on the size and growth of the space.

Gingival peeling and opening: When the trunk reaches more than 10 cm, it can be opened and girdled. The opening time is the first flowering period, cutting off the phloem, temporarily interrupting the transport of organic nutrients, meeting the needs of early fruit growth and development of flowering fruit set and young fruit, so that the tree tends to dwarf. In early July, girdling and circumcision are performed at the base of a branch to control the growth potential of the branches, which is beneficial to fruit set and vegetative growth inhibition. The girdling width is generally 0.2-0.3 mm.

Second, with pressure on the crown

Early high-yielding trees should be lightly sheared, slow-released, and more branches should be left, increasing the amount of foliage, and promoting vegetative growth to reproductive growth and transformation, so that early results, early high yield, use of flowers and more fruit, inhibit the growth of nutrition. Combine summer pruning with production, use foliar spray fertilizer, spray hormones and other measures to increase the fruit setting rate, increase the yield per plant, and increase the amount of results to promote dwarfing the tree to achieve the purpose of pressing the crown.

Spraying plant growth inhibitors can inhibit the growth of jujube heads and jujube, and have a significant effect of causing dwarfing. At present, plant growth inhibitors used in production include 30106 chlorcholine and 20106 paclobutrazol. The use time should be carried out one month after budding, that is, it should be applied better in the early flowering period. It should be noted that young trees with 1 to 3 years of young leaves are not suitable for early use. In addition, according to tree vigor, determine the concentration and frequency of use, and do not use it continuously for a long time.

Third, timely root treatment, control of vegetative growth

The root system is the main organ that absorbs water and nutrients, inhibits root growth, can significantly reduce the growth of the ground, applies organic fertilizer in combination with autumn each year, and cuts off part of the root system, so as to achieve the purpose of inhibiting root growth. At the same time, it should strengthen early-stage fertilizer and water control. Late fertilizer, limit the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, increase the amount of phosphorus, potassium fertilizer.

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