How to improve the cow's conception rate

At present, with the continuous development of China's cattle industry and the continuous growth of cattle-raising professional households, raising cattle breeding fertility rate has become one of the important issues at present. Now the main technical measures for raising cattle breeding fecundity are reported as follows: 1 Technical measures of conception rate 1.1 Strengthen feeding management Feeding management is the main measure in the entire cattle industry. Because during the breeding process, a healthy constitution directly affects the breeding speed and quality of cattle. At present, most areas are extensively managed and mainly grazing. Even if supplemented with some fine material, it is relatively simple. Therefore, we must change the traditional, conventional feeding management methods, strengthen scientific feeding management, and give full price feed. 1.2 Diagnosis and detection of estrus The Taurus is a perennial estrus animal. Most of the estrus can be expressed from the outside, but there are some exceptions. If some cows are in estrus, some show that the cows are climbing, and the bulls don't follow, and some estruss take too long. These phenomena are often mistaken for estrus or estrus. However, through direct examination, there are follicles in some cases. The breeding can be affected by fetuses, and some of the appearances are estrus. The ovary has no follicles, especially when sex hormones are used. , more such phenomena occur. Therefore, grasping the rectal examination is the main technical measure to solve the above-mentioned abnormal phenomena. 1.3 Timely Treatment of Reproductive Diseases 1.3.1 Breathing before Insemination Treatment of Reproductive Diseases Some cows or uneasiness cows suffer from certain reproductive system diseases and often have normal estrus and are not affected by the fetus. Therefore, before the insemination, we must first diagnose, treat the disease, and then resume breeding after the body is restored, so as to improve the conception rate of cattle. 1.3.2 The main control methods for abnormal estrus cows application of follicle stimulating hormone 200 ~ 400U, preferably combined with the same amount of luteinizing hormone, once a day or every other day, intramuscular injection, use 2 to 3 times. It is suitable for cows that are not estrus, have ovarian hypoplasia, atrophy of the ovaries, hardening and estrus. Use maternal serum gonadotropins, each time 1000 ~ 2000u, intramuscular injection, once a day or every other day, use 2 times. It is suitable for cows with incomplete ovarian growth, heat loss, ovulation estrus, and estrus. use chorionic gonadotropin, each 1000 ~ 2000U, intramuscular injection, or with diethylstilbestrol, once 10 ~ 20mg, intramuscular injection, use 2 times. It is suitable for cows that do not have estrus, ovarian hypoplasia, ovarian atrophy, and estrus. For follicular cysts, progesterone (progesterone) may be used intramuscularly once daily for 3 to 5 days. Or combined application of dexamethasone 10 ~ 20mg, 叽 Note. You can also try other hormone therapy. For the persistent luteal body of the ovary, prostaglandins can be used, once for 2-8 mg intramuscularly or subcutaneously. 1.4 Use of artificial methods to promote the cow's estrus. Some cows have no estrus after calving, and some may last for up to six months, affecting the rate of reproduction. In order to solve this problem, we adopt two methods: one is weaning the cattle immediately after the calving; the other is using the pregnant horse serum to aphrodisiac. About the use of pregnant horse serum aphrodisiac method, using 60 ~ 65d pregnant horse serum, cattle 1 subcutaneous injection of 25 ~ 30ml, observing cow estrus, and direct examination of the follicle or follicular wall thinning, and then insemination before ovulation, its The pregnancy rate can reach 92%, and the conception rate can be as high as 87.5%. 1.5 timely insemination to improve the conception rate of estrus time, timely insemination is an important technical measure to improve the conception rate. According to our experience, it is preliminarily considered that 6 to 10 hours after the end of the cow's estrus, breeding is more appropriate. In addition, the amount of insemination should not be too large, generally 1.0 to 1.5mL can be. At the same time, strict disinfection and aseptic operations should be performed during insemination, which is also a key technical measure to increase the conception rate. 1.6 At present, the use of plastic tubes to freeze semen, using 35 ~ 40 °C temperature hydrolysis method, the semen after thawing should not be stored too long, to insemination immediately, usually within 30min. Second, the thawing semen vitality must reach 0.3 or more, and the ovary side of the ovary to the depth of 2.0 ~ 2.5cm, which is also the main technical measures to improve the conception rate. 2 Experiences of improving bovine pregnancies 2.1 Through many years of practice, we have realized that strengthening feeding and management is the main measure for improving the conception rate, and the feeding and management are good, and the initial allocation of cattle can be used for breeding at 16 to 18 months of age. Cows that produce calves also have early estrus, which can result in calving for another year or affecting the speed of reproduction in 3 years. 2.2 Exposure of estrus cows by external observation combined with direct examination. In addition, cows are inseminated when the follicles develop directly after 6 to 10 hours after the end of estrus, so as to achieve timely insemination and increase the conception rate. 2.3 The use of pregnant horse serum aphrodisiac method can promote the cow's estrus at the same period and improve the conception rate of cows. This method is simple and easy to use and can be promoted and applied. However, the use of pregnant horse serum aphrodisiac test, the results of the first period of no abortion, the reasons for further study, and the third emotional insemination fertility rate is the highest, can reach 87.5%. 2.4 With the application of estrus breeding in the same period, we believe that cattle breeding and calving can be arranged in a centralized manner to facilitate the promotion of artificial insemination techniques, shorten the mating season, save time and labor, reduce costs and increase work efficiency, facilitate the management of herds and promote cattle breeding. The industrial development of the industry also enables the breeding of non-estrus estrus cows, thereby increasing the conception rate of cows.