Tomato selection and seed collection

The selected plants had a good selection in the field, moderate inflorescences, and uniform plant height. The main traits were in accordance with the characteristics of the typical plant species. When the tomatoes on the 2nd to 3rd ear of the selected plant were completely mature, they were individually picked and selected for fruit shape with large and neat fruit, smooth fruit surface, fresh color, small umbilicus, no crack at the pedicle, and thick flesh. The fruit is used for planting. Place in the house for 2-3 days to fully mature. Dig seeds to clean the fruit, cut in half in the middle of the fruit, and then use a knife to dig the seed in the ovary together with the glue into the pot. Do not use iron, copper and other metal containers to collect liquid to prevent rust. It is also not possible to add water to the seed solution to prevent seed germination during fermentation. After the seeds have been dug by fermentation, cover the seed bowl. Placed in the room for 2-3 days to allow it to be naturally fermented. White pellicles appear on the surface of the seed solution. When the seeds and jelly are easily separated, it indicates that they have been fermented. Washing and adding the same amount of fresh water as the seed solution in the well-fermented seed solution, and then stirring thoroughly, when the stirring is stopped, the seed sinks quickly, the upper layer of the liquid is poured out, and then the clear water is added to the seed basin to wash. - Stay 3 times. If the surface of the seed is not easy to fall off the colloidal material, you can use the hand to knock it off, after the panning, washing the clean seeds spread on the gauze hanging. At the same time, it must be turned to make the seeds dry evenly. Save When the moisture content of the seed falls below 12% (with teeth biting), it can be stored in a paper bag or cloth bag. And put a tag on the seed bag, write down the variety, source, year of harvesting, quality, etc., and copy a copy of the bag to prevent misuse. China Agricultural Network Editor

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