Water - an important nutrient for infants
Lettuce Jiangsu Tiankang Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.tiankangfood.com
In fact, in addition to air, human life is first maintained by water. Water is even more important for infants and young children, because small infants who grow and develop at a very high rate of weight per person need more water than adults. The following is a brief discussion of the effects of water and the scarcity of water.
1, water has a role in the formation of body tissues. Each cell of the human body contains water, which is dehydrated in the absence of it. It manifests itself as thirst, sunken eye, dryness, and even shock.
2. Water helps digest and absorb food. Without water, dry foods cannot be swallowed, and digestive fluids do not help digestion. The body is hungry and cannot last long.
3, water helps the body's various systems to absorb and transport nutrients and excretion of waste, harmful substances such as chlorine, sodium, ammonia, potassium, etc., in the urine to be discharged from the kidneys. If the intake of water is insufficient, the kidneys cannot smoothly discharge harmful substances, which will cause urinary toxicity.
Many parents think that the daily staple food for young infants is breast milk or milk with high moisture content, so there is no need to add more water. In fact, this view is wrong. In the northern winter, the weather is windy and the temperature in the drying room is high, so it is very necessary to supplement the baby with water.
If the child has fever, diarrhea, excessive water loss, then reduce food nutrients and add more water. Rely on the role of water to reduce body temperature, replenish fluids, smoothly excrete harmful substances, shorten the course of disease, and restore health in advance.
All in all, water is an important nutrient whether the baby is under normal conditions or during illness.