The preparation of diets for goslings should be based on geese species, age, and local feed sources. Keeping goslings should follow the principle of "less to add ground, regular quantitative" principle. From the 2nd day after the goslings start eating, they can be fed formally. It is advisable to use a mixture of 1 geese with broken granules and 2 pieces of chopped green feed. Feeding method: "First drink and then feed" should be adopted. This will prevent goslings from drinking. Drinking water must use warm boiled water or warm green tea water (should be light), taboo with cold boiled water to prevent goslings caused by cold stimulation and cause diarrhea. Feeding water immediately after feeding. When feeding, it should be performed in batches depending on the size of the geese, generally 10-20 as a batch. When feeding, it is necessary to earnestly “slowly addâ€, and attention must be paid to observing the feeding condition of the geese, and continuously separating the geese with strong feeding ability and poor feeding ability and keeping them separately. This can be avoided. Produce stiff geese so that the group is neat. Each feeding time should not be long, half an hour is appropriate. Each feeding should control its feed intake, forbidden to feed enough, and generally feed to 7-80% full. This is conducive to the digestion of goslings and increase appetite. Absolutely forbidden to suffer from hunger, leading to indigestion and affecting their growth and development. Pay attention to cleanliness when feeding. When feeding a batch of goose, the contaminated feed should be cleaned and the plate washed with 4% potassium permanganate solution. Then feed the next batch of geese. After 3 days of age, goslings can be fed with a small amount of gravel in the diet, which has a positive effect on their digestion. For the first 3 days, feed 4 times a day. 4-10 days old: At this time, the residual egg yolk of the gosling has been completely absorbed. The goose body is slightly smaller than the shell, and the feathers are closely attached, which is commonly known as “receivingâ€. At this time, the goslings have increased digestive capacity and appetite and can gradually increase the number of feedings. You can feed 6 times after 4 days, 8 times after 6 days, and 1 time every 2-3 hours. In the feed, broken rice or rice should account for 30%-40%. Chopped greens account for 60%-70%. For example, the ratio of feed mix (rational foods in accordance with feeding standards) is 70%-80% for green materials and 20%-30% for mix materials. 10-20 days: The feed is mainly green (green vegetables). Concentrates can be made from broken rice and rice grains to bran or raw sweet potato pieces. Add appropriate amount of open valley (cooked to the valley where rice has just been exposed), or the amount of bean cake to supplement protein needs. At this time, goslings can grazing, eat grass, feeding times can be reduced, feeding 5-6 times a day and night (including feeding at night 2 times). If the mixture is fed, the green material can account for 80%-90% and the mixture can account for 10%-20%. 21-28 days of age: Goslings raised to this stage, weight gain, physical fitness is increasing, grazing time can be gradually extended, because the goslings can eat a lot of grass in the grazing land, feeding times can be reduced to 5 times per day and night (among them Feeding once at 9:00 pm) The ration at this time can be gradually added some 8-12 hours soaked in the Valley, sorghum and sweet potatoes. In 4 weeks or so, you can feed dry grains (but give enough water) to let loose and eat them to save food. If the mixture is fed, the green material accounts for 90%-92%, and the mixture accounts for 8%-10%.
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