Muscovy Duck Feeding Techniques

1. Feeding young ducklings (1) Nutrient requirements for young ducks: Young muscovy ducks are small muscovy ducks within 4-5 weeks of age, which is the key stage in determining the success or failure of flocks. Muscovy ducks grow rapidly, have weak digestive capacity, require full-price materials with higher nutritional value, and can use commercial ducks (ducklings) for full-priced feeds. (2) Feeding: After 16 hours of shelling, the young ducks should be fed with 0.1% potassium permanganate water for 1-2 days, and then drinking water directly with clear water. (3) Management: The juvenile-run ducks should use dry straw mats for ground rearing and online feeding. The cold season should pay attention to the heat preservation and the mat grass should be changed frequently. The mat grass can be removed after 2-3 weeks of age. The duck house should be fully lighted and artificially illuminated at night. Natural light should be used for 4 weeks. 2. Feeding in the mid-duck period (1) Feed: Medium duck refers to 4-5 weeks old to 8 weeks old Muscovy ducks. Muscovy ducks in these stages have gradually improved their digestive abilities, enhanced their digestive abilities, and have large feed intake. The protein content is about 15%, and the metabolic energy is 2.8-2.9 Mcal/kg. (2) Strengthen the management and rearing of the fattening period: At the age of 8 weeks, the public muscovy duck weighs 2.5-3 kg. Mother Muscovy Duck 1.2-1.5 kg. After 8 weeks of age, if it is used as a fattening stage, it is necessary to increase the metabolic energy content of the diet and increase the amount of feed per day. When the fattening reaches the age of 10 weeks, the public duck can weigh 3.5-4 kg and the female Muscovy duck 1.5-2 kg. In order to achieve all-in, all-out and economic benefits, all public Muscovy ducks can be raised. (3) Management: The animals should be reared in groups of 300-500 animals per group, and the stocking density is 5-8 per square meter. Be careful to prevent bristle defects. 3, disease prevention and treatment: Do a good job of duck plague, Muscovy duck parvovirus disease, Aspergillus disease, fowl cholera, Salmonella and other prevention work, usually carry out good inside and outside the disinfection work.

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