It is worthwhile to raise the batch of autumn ducks

Generally, duck farmers are accustomed to rearing early spring ducks. In fact, raising autumn ducks can also achieve more significant economic benefits. Xu Lihan, a professional duck raising farmer of Wangzhuang Village, Xinlin Township, Fanchang County, Anhui Province, raised 150, 256, and 400 ducks from 1999 to 2001, and obtained net profit of 706 yuan, 1,325 yuan, and 2,200 yuan. About 10 days after the fall into the young brooding, the survival rate of up to 98%, raised to 60 days or so, weight up to 1.5-2 kg, and ducklings easier to manage. Autumn ducklings can eat falling valleys and insects in one season rice field and double rice field. Afterwards, grazing can be carried out at lake beaches, ponds and ditches to allow young ducks to feed on natural plant feed. Breeding autumn ducks, early to prevent heatstroke, promote appetite-based, late as the temperature gradually decreased, to do a good job of cold and warm work. Increase ventilation. Keep the air circulation in the duck house, fresh and cool, and conditional farmers can use fan ventilation. Add awnings. In the early fall, due to the high temperature and temperature, try to put the ducks early and return home late. At noon the hot rush to the awning or a tree to rest and cool, reduce heat radiation. Pay attention to the preparation and feeding of feed. Ducklings are raised to normal feeding after 7 days of age. The proportion of feed is (%): corn 38, sub-flour 20, bran 10, soybean cake 25, fish meal 3, shell powder 2, bone meal 1.5, salt 0.5, and the amount of a variety of vitamins. Within 24 hours of the first week of shelling, water and material were continuously fed to allow them to feed freely; after 1 week, they were fed once every 3 hours; after 20 days of age, they were fed 3-4 times a day, and rice fields could be grazing. Reduce the amount of material used. Strengthen insulation. From the end of October, it is necessary to do a good job of cold insulation work, and the places around the duck houses should be blocked tightly. When grazing, the ducks are rushed to the relatively warm river beach, ponds and waterways sheltered from the sun. Strengthen the epidemic prevention. Always wash the drinking fountains to ensure adequate and clean drinking water, change the bedding or switch to sand. In addition, care should be taken to prevent colds caused by sudden changes in the weather. Usually in the feed can be compound enemies net, oxytetracycline calcium salts, vitamins and other drugs to prevent the occurrence of disease. Once the duck has developed, it should be treated immediately and the sick duck should be kept in isolation. China Agricultural Network Editor

Pain Relief Patch For Neck Shoulder,Lower Back And Leg

Pain Relief Patch for neck shoulder, lower back and leg.
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 10cm×12cm 2pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for strains, sprains, cramp, bruises, swollen areas or joint stiffness.
[How To Use a Patch]
Tear off the packaging bag and remove the patch. Remove the protective film and apply the patch on the skin. One piece, one time. The curing effect of each piece can last for 8-12 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

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