Chicks shift from one growth stage to another growth stage. The shift from one growth environment to another requires the gradual adaptation of the flock. Attention should be paid to the following matters when transferring a group: 1. The temperature must be gradually removed. The temperature inside the house is gradually reduced to be the same as the outside house temperature, and then the window door is not closed, so that the home environment gradually approaches the outside weather condition. 2. Avoid switching to groups when the weather conditions are harsh or there are sudden changes in the status of the flock. 3 The chickens should be selected so that their health is normal and no epidemic disease occurs. 4. Add a prophylactic antibiotic to the feed or drinking water within 3 days after the switch. 5. Can not suddenly change the feed, from chicken feed to chicken feed, to adopt a gradual transition, so that the chickens have a period of adaptation time. 6. The transit time is determined according to the season and climatic conditions. Normally, when the weather is warm at noon in winter and cool in the morning or the evening in summer. 7. Feeding and management should be strengthened after the group is transferred, because chickens undergo various stress reactions during the group migration, which will reduce the resistance of the chickens.
. Spinal Column
Spinal Column,Human Body Skeleton ,Human Skeletal System ,Anatomical Skeleton
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