Adding a certain amount of salt in the diet of the chicken can increase the palatability of the feed, help digestion, and more importantly, maintain the balance of water and salt metabolism in the chicken. The lack of salt in the diet of chickens will cause the lack of sodium and chlorine, and salt deficiency. Chicks will cause growth stagnation and feed utilization will decrease, while laying hens will result in decreased egg production, weight loss and proneness. Adding too much salt to the chicken diet can cause salt poisoning. According to data, the minimum lethal dose of chicken salt is 3 grams per kilogram of body weight or more than 3 grams per kilogram of salt in the feed, the amount of salt in drinking water reaching 0.5% or more can cause poisoning, and the salt content of drinking water in young chickens reaches 0.9%. Can cause 100% mortality. After salt poisoning, the chicken showed loss of appetite or depletion, swelling of the hernia sac, swelling of mucus in the mouth and nose, chicken thirst, plenty of drinking water, frequent diarrhea, dyskinesia, weakness in both legs, walking difficulties and other neurological symptoms. In the later period, the chicken suffered from weakness, difficulty in breathing, convulsions, and finally died of collapse. The necropsy shows that the hernia sac is full of viscous fluid, the mucous membrane is detached, the mucous membrane of the glandular stomach is congested, the surface sometimes forms pseudomembrane, there is acute catarrhal enteritis in the small intestine, there is bleeding in the mucous membrane, sometimes subcutaneous tissue edema can be seen, there is stagnant water in the abdominal cavity and pericardium , Pulmonary edema, heart bleeding, blood thick, meningeal blood vessels dilate and congestion, common pinch point bleeding. The prevention and control measures for salt poisoning in chickens are that the amount of salt in the feed does not exceed 0.5% and the mixture is evenly mixed. After finding salt poisoning in chickens, immediately stop feeding salt and salty feeds, supply a large amount of clean drinking water or milk to the affected chickens to dilute the concentration of salt in the gastrointestinal tract, which facilitates excretion. It can also inject 1 to 3 ml glucose water. To maintain heart function.
MAGIK Lift Series are made of PDO (Polydioxanone), it is a thread with no cones, thus no damage to the tissue. This is the same thread used in Cardiac and other surgeries as sutures, and thus it is very safe.
Aging causes the skin tissue to be thin because the collagen and elastin fibre`s break down, which results in sagging skin, deep creases, folds and wrinkles. PDO Thread reverses the effects of aging.
Threads are implanted into the sub-dermal skin and stimulate the production of collagen and the skin becomes firmer, elastic and moisturised. The thread dissolves itself in couple of months but the effect last for 12-18 months.
The thread can be applied to anywhere on the body, such as a flabby face, cheeks, eyebrows, to prevent eye bags, sagging neck skin, fine lines around Cheeks, angle around the mouth, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen, smokers lines and lifting of breast.PDO Thread Mono
PDO Thread Mono,Face Lift PDO Thread Mono,Mono Face Lifting Thread PDO,PDO Thread Lifting
Dermax Technology Limited ,