Before the operation of the corn harvester, the clutch of the working part should be smoothly integrated. When the throttle is from small to large, the harvest operation can only be started when the rated speed is stable. When working in the field, it is necessary to regularly check the quality of cutting and smashing, and adjust the height of the header at any time according to the situation. According to the number of grains thrown on the ground to check the operation of the picking device, the loss of grain should not exceed 0.5% of the total amount of corn kernels. When the loss is large, check the working gap between the picking boards is correct. The corn harvester should be properly interrupted for 1-2 minutes to allow the working parts to run empty so as to exclude all corn ear, kernel and
Other residues from the working parts. When the working part is blocked, it shall be stopped in time to clear the blockage, otherwise it will cause the friction of the corn harvester to increase and parts to be damaged. When the corn harvester turns or runs along the corn row, it should raise the header to the transport position. When the corn harvester is working in the field, the corn harvester can only operate along the gutter.
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